Your Name: Ana Redmond

Business Name: Infinut

Type of Business: Children’s Goods & Services; High Tech

Business Location: United States

U.S. State: Washington

Twitter @anaredmond

Reason for starting
I started building math apps for young kids to teach the fundamentals that make math interesting and fun. I wanted to share my love of math and logic with my daughters, but, could only find apps that treat math as a problem, instead of the solution. Many parents and teachers love the simplicity of the apps I build, encouraging me to build more.

Biggest Success
I built Kindergarten Math, a math exercise app, to teach the concepts behind addition and subtraction to my daughters. That application was well received and reviewed. It has been downloaded more than 100,000 times on google play and amazon store. As my kids grow, I continue to build apps to teach them math concepts like fractions, place values etc.

What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it?
My top challenge has been marketing. I am an introvert by nature. I am not used to putting myself out there, or talking myself up. I have been talking to a friend to help with marketing. I want to build a team of people – passionate about their kids, driven to teach them well and provide them a good future.

Who is your most important role model?
My Parents. They always said – it is more important for girls to be financially independent and responsible for their own future. They wouldn’t always buy the pretty dress for us, but, never refused to buy us a book. They challenged us to do better, specially in STEM subjects which many people thought were wasted on girls.