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Name: Debra A. Woog

Business: Connect2 Corporation, coaching and consulting firm

Industry: Coaching & Consulting

Location: Massachusetts, U.S.

Reason for starting: Originally I started my business after experiencing a loss. One of my best friends from high school passed away from an illness when we were only 30 years old. Losing him made me realize that life could be short, and that even though I didn’t feel 100% ready to start my dream coaching and consulting business, there is never a perfect time and I might never be 100% ready.  I’m thankful for the insight the painful experience generated for me.  It was time to align my life and work with my brilliance, even though I didn’t feel total confidence yet.  Although I could have continued coaching and consulting through other, larger companies, ultimately I wanted to be an entrepreneur to raise the ceiling on my earning potential while preserving the possibilities of having flexibility in my schedule and doing work that aligned with my passions and values.

Related: Read about another coaching and consulting entrepreneur here.

How do you define success? Applying my intelligence, in alignment with my priorities, while expressing my values and getting my needs met.

Biggest Success: Staying in business 15+ years, and being profitable for most of them. My clients have included four great business schools, dozens of small for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, and thousands of individuals.  I’ve been able to make a difference by guiding people to align their strategies, communications, and actions with their missions and goals. And I’ve loved doing it.

Related: When in Doubt, Go For It

What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it? At this point my top challenge is fitting in marketing on top of serving my clients while caring for my two kids, one who has a chronic illness. I address it by staying uber-clear about my priorities and focusing on doing the next right thing each and every day.

Who is your most important role model? I have many important role models, all pioneers in their fields and ways of working. Brene Brown has been a huge inspiration for me.

Twitter   @connecttwo

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Read about another Coaching & Consulting entrepreneur here.

Edited by The Story Exchange