Dianne Bennet HeadshotYour Name: Dianne Bennett

Business Name: Cinema Suites Bed & Breakfast, a Hollywood themed bed and breakfast ; Millionaires-Matchmaker.com, an online dating site

Type of Business: Arts & Entertainment, Coaching & ConsultingOther — Bed and Breakfast

Business Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Reason for starting
I always had beautiful girlfriends and rich handsome men friends; I would introduce them and they’d run off together, so I became a matchmaker and now I get paid a lot. I started a B&B when I purchased an old abandoned estate near Beverly Hills. I restored the house to its former glory and turned my home into a profit center; I don’t even have to drive to work!

How do you define success?
Money, quality relationships, good health

Biggest Success
I have success in many areas, as a columnist at the Hollywood Reporter for 15 years, a personal manager in the entertainment industry, as the owner of Cinema Suites Bed & Breakfast in the hospitality industry, and as a high end matchmaker introducing world-class clients.

What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it?
Lack of formal education. I only went to the 7th grade, so I read all the time and I have great people around me to steer me in the right direction. I only have friends who are good in business and many of them are mentors to me.

Who is your most important role model?
All of the successful people that I’ve met and interviewed. My favorite question is, “how did you do that?”

Website cinemasuites.biz millionaires-matchmaker.com
Facebook dianne bennett

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