Jorge Royan, Wikimedia Commons
Jorge Royan, Wikimedia Commons

Even in Defeat, Clinton’s Campaign Could Still Inspire Young Women
Christina Wolbrecht and David Campbell, The Washington Post
Hillary Clinton did not win the presidency, but her historic campaign still has the power to inspire future generations of female leaders. That’s because of how the press covered her, but also how she was discussed at home. “When the presence of female politicians leads parents and children to talk politics, girls become more interested in political participation,” Wolbrecht and Campbell write. “Thus, parents play an important role in ensuring that youth make the connection between the political world and their own lives.”

What So Many People Don’t Get About the U.S. Working Class
Joan C. Williams, Harvard Business Review
In this piece, Williams examines mistrust among some white, working-class people toward liberal, upper-class professionals, and how and that class rift, combined with “bruised manly dignity,” may have paved the way for Donald Trump’s presidency. She argues that acrimony borne of class divides bred bitterness that, in turn, drove votes. “Economic resentment has fueled racial anxiety that, in some Trump supporters (and Trump himself), bleeds into open racism. But to write off [white working class] anger as nothing more than racism is intellectual comfort food, and it is dangerous.”

Muslim Women Debrief After Trump’s Win
Lizzie Widdicombe, The New Yorker
As anti-Trump protesters marched on Fifth Avenue, seven young Middle Eastern feminists gathered in a midtown theatre to reflect on what had happened during the presidential election — “fifty-three per cent of white women voters took a pass on Clinton and threw their support behind the self-proclaimed groper.” The New Yorker covers the conversion of these women, who were born into patriarchal societies in the Middle East and often felt oppressed by other women.

Women’s Rights Become a Battleground for Israel’s Ultra-Orthodox Jews
Lauren Frayer, NPR
Four years ago, an Orthodox feminist group called Kolech, which translates to “Your Voice” in Hebrew, filed a lawsuit against the all-male, ultra-Orthodox radio station Kol Barama. Their suit became one of the biggest class-action lawsuits in Israeli history, and the women won. But Israel’s ultra-Orthodox community is growing — and bringing to bear growing conservative political pressure. More and bigger battles over women’s rights are sure to come.

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