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Name: Jane Willmott

Business: Jane Willmott

Location: London, United Kingdom

Industry: Professional Services 

Reason for starting? I had always been ambitious and had drive, however after rebelling against my parents I hid that through my teenage years. When my daughter was stillborn at 32 weeks everything changed and in the coming months I found that ambition and drive coming back to life. When I then fell pregnant with my son I was more driven than ever, I didn’t want to miss out on anything with him, I didn’t want to leave him in childcare and I wanted to be able to provide my family with the life and opportunities that I never had.

I’m incredibly passionate about my work, I truly 100% believe in it and I believe in every single person I work with. They’re not just a number and I’m always there for them, I am 100% invested in them. I’m not just doing this for myself or my clients either, I’m doing it for my children and my clients families, I want my children to know that they’re not confined by what school tells them they can or can’t achieve with their life, they’re not confined to feel how society wants you to and equally I do it for my clients families who can experience the results of my clients success, who feel their happiness, freedom, joy and they benefit from the big shifts my clients make in their lives. I’m still only 27 and have gone through a great deal – a father who was an alcoholic, a stillbirth when I was 18, starting my business at 19, then having 2 children come along only 11 months apart and all while growing a successful worldwide business.

Related: Read about another business coach here. 

How do you define success? I believe the definition of success always comes down to the individual, there’s no one size fits all. For me success is about being free, feeling free in all areas of your life. It’s about growing year after year as a person and constantly evolving and changing as a result. For me it’s about following your passions and defining your own life rather than having life define you, it’s about reaching goals that mean something to you not empty financial ones but goals that actually mean something to you personally. It’s about living life on your terms, by your rules, being free. Financial results also come into it of course I mean you need the finances to live your dream life right.

Biggest success: My biggest success to date is actually a clients success rather than my own. They went from being a person who shrank at every opportunity, who hid their words, hid their passion and hid away scared from the business path they wanted to take. They became a person who shined bright with their message, they gained confidence in themselves that they never experienced before and ultimately once they’d really dealt with their stories and fears they were a completely new person and that person went on to change their life not just financially but personally too.  I’ve also always been involved with charity work since a very young age, and while that success isn’t a recent one spending years being able to give back and help others and watch those members of that charity experience foreign countries and the wonder they saw feels like a big achievement in itself.

What is your top challenge and how you have addressed it? I became so driven with my business and with the success that I desired at the time (I got it all wrong I was fixated on being busy and needing to just earn earn earn) that I didn’t have a work life balance. I actually struggled with the whole taking time away, I thought that meant I was being lazy and to be classed as successful you have to be busy 24/7. That meant that I was stressed out a lot, didn’t spend a lot of time with my family and then that caused many other arguments. I addressed it by working on the stories I had associated with the reasons for not taking time out and just enjoying life with the family, I addressed my beliefs around success and then nailed down new beliefs based on what I wanted my success to be and how I wanted to see success instead of what society told me success looked like.

Related: Young Women to Watch 

Who is your most important role model? My father, I guess in some ways role model would be the wrong word but if there’s a person who’s taught me the most in life it would be him. I’ve watched him crumble into a man I barely recognise, having had plenty of choices and chances along the way to change it. I know that anger doesn’t serve you and I know that from watching him, I know guilt doesn’t serve you after watching him beat himself up daily when he wasn’t there for my grandfather when he was dying. Many people will think how could I say my father is my most important role model when I spent years despising him for the alcoholic man he was and still is, but I’ve learnt far more from him and observing him than I’ll ever learn from someone else and I thank him for the role he’s played in my life. He’s everything I don’t want to be, he’s a reminder of what can happen if you don’t grow, if you don’t evolve, if you don’t make the right decisions.


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Read about another entrepreneur here.

Edited by The Story Exchange