The Story Exchange, Jill Kushner Bishop, Multilingual ConnectionsYour Name: Jill Kushner Bishop

Business Name: Multilingual Connections, a language service for translations, transcriptions, and interpretations

Type of Business: Translation and Language Training

Business Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States

Website   www.mlconnectionscom
Twitter   @M_Connections

Reason for starting
I got fired for reporting my HR Director for inappropriate behaviors! I had been wanting to start my business for over a year, but I was afraid to take the risk…so I waited…and waited… Three weeks after losing my job, I launched my business.

How do you define success?
Doing good work for my clients and creating a work environment that allows my employees to be fulfilled.

Biggest Success
Being invited by the Mayor of Chicago to be on ad advisory council for the Office of New Americans.

What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it?
Cash flow is always a challenge, so I’ve had to be creative in order to pay the bills.