Your Name: Simone N. Sneed

Business Name: Catching Brilliance, a digital platform for socially conscious executives and entrepreneurs

Type of Business: Health & Beauty/Social Enterprise

Business Location: New York, New York, United States

Reason for starting
For the past decade, I’ve worked in women’s philanthropy and social justice and have met phenomenal women doing important work. The one thing I’ve noticed is that we need to encourage and teach women how to prioritize themselves as they step into leadership roles.Catching Brilliance provide self care for smart women.

How do you define success?
Success for me is about personal satisfaction and fulfillment. I don’t focus only on quantifiable outcomes but also on the intangible “feel good” metrics.

Biggest Success
Thus far, my biggest success has been the validation from my clients, my peers and my organizational partners that this work is highly valued and much needed. Each time I have a client realize that she is gaining control over the creation of her life, I feel a smile spread across my face.

What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it?
The biggest challenge I’ve had is that Catching Brilliance is just in it’s infancy. As my company gain’s visibility I’m sure that what I consider challenging will change but currently increasing my brands visibility and audience is what takes the most work.

Who is your most important role model?
My most important role model is my grandmother. My grandmother has shown me over the years what grace in action looks like.