July 20, 2016:
The National Party Conventions
This week, the Republican Party is hosting its national convention in Cleveland, Ohio, where on Tuesday Donald Trump became its official presidential nominee, with Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his vice presidential pick. The Democratic convention quickly follows next week in Philadelphia. There, Hillary Clinton will become her party’s official nominee and appear with her running mate, who she has yet to name.
Now that the primaries are over and the party conventions are beginning, this feature, which initially tracked seven presidential hopefuls, will focus on the two main party candidates. Below we break down Clinton and Trump’s positions and records on 11 issues of significance to women entrepreneurs in America — from supporting small businesses and creating jobs to immigration reform and paid family leave. Send your suggestions for issues to add to the chart to [email protected].
Editors note: The Story Exchange does not endorse political candidates or take policy positions. The below facts are for our readers’ information.
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Small Business | Hillary ClintonWants “to be the president for small business.” Key plan elements include nixing red tape for startups, expanding access to capital, tax relief and improved access to new markets. She also aims to boost startups, especially by young people. Vows to improve access to startup and growth financing for women- and minority-owned firms. | Donald TrumpSays he will ensure that no business of any size will have to pay more than 15% of business income in taxes. No other relevant statements made, and campaign site has no section on small business. |
Pay Gap | Hillary ClintonSupports equal pay for equal work, and says women need access to workplace pay information to know if they’re underpaid. Co-sponsor of the Paycheck Fairness Act and Lilly Ledbetter Act. | Donald TrumpHas said men and women should be paid equally, but has also said women are “gonna make the same, if you do as good a job.” |
Jobs | Hillary ClintonWants to create manufacturing and infrastructure jobs. Advocates raising the minimum wage to $12. Endorsed by the SEIU, among other labor groups. Proposes tax credits for businesses that create apprenticeships that lead to jobs. Is outspoken about protections for women in the workplace. | Donald TrumpVows to be “the greatest jobs President that God ever created.” Wants to bring jobs outsourced to other nations back to the U.S. Opposes raising the minimum wage, arguing that would hurt U.S. competitiveness. Only candidate without a jobs section on his official campaign website. |
Trade | Hillary ClintonSupported some trade deals, not others. Calls NAFTA and TPP flawed. Says trade measures must protect U.S. workers, lift wages, add jobs and boost national security. Would combat trade violations and currency manipulation; protect labor, the environment and health; and aid small business exports. | Donald TrumpSupports free, fair trade. Critical of pacts with China, a country he calls a “currency manipulator” and “sweatshop and pollution haven.” Favors a 45% tariff on Chinese exports. Also opposes the TPP. Promises to have business minds negotiate trade deals that serve American workers, not those who ship U.S. jobs overseas. |
Immigration | Hillary ClintonCo-sponsored the DREAM Act. Sponsored the Immigrant Children’s Health Improvement Act. Would create a path to citizenship and defend Obama’s policy of deportation relief for DREAMers and parents of citizens and lawful residents. Argues accepted Syrian refugee numbers should rise to 65,000 from 10,000. | Donald TrumpVows to build a wall on the Mexican border, paid for by Mexico. Intends to triple ICE officer numbers, enhance penalties for overstaying visas, and enact nationwide e-verification. Against accepting refugees and letting any Muslims into the country. Would remove Syrian refugees, regardless of religion. |
Education | Hillary ClintonProposed a universal pre-K plan, helped create research outfit Too Small to Fail. Co-sponsored DREAM Act in 2003, 2005 and 2007. Supports Common Core, but wants fixes. Says colleges and universities should be held accountable for affordability, would enable grads to refinance debt at current rates. | Donald TrumpSupports local control of education without federal government involvement. Opposes Common Core. Plans to eliminate gun-free school zones. Says student loans are “probably one of the only things the government shouldn’t make money off.” |
Healthcare | Hillary ClintonBacks ACA expansion to reach universal coverage via lower-cost plans and expanded Medicaid. Wants to push drug companies to lower prices, invest in R&D and curb ad spending. Has vowed to fight efforts to privatize Medicare. Wants Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices. | Donald TrumpCalled the ACA an “incredible economic burden.” Wants to spur market competition by permitting cross-state insurance buying and to make all premium payments tax-deductible. Backs Medicare negotiations with drug companies to lower prices. |
Reproductive Health | Hillary ClintonOpposed to government interference in women’s reproductive health choices, including access to birth control and abortion. Vowed to fight Planned Parenthood defunding. | Donald TrumpFormerly pro-choice, but became pro-life in 2011. Advocates for defunding Planned Parenthood, though he has said the organization has helped women. |
Family Leave | Favors federal paid family leave mandates but has voiced skepticism that legislation could pass. Supports efforts to encourage companies to offer paid family leave packages. | Donald TrumpNo major statements. |
Environment | Hillary ClintonAs senator, introduced the Strategic Energy Fund Act to support clean energy. As secretary of state, appointed the first special envoy for climate change, led creation of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition global initiative. As president, aims to install 500 million solar panels, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and end tax subsidies for fossil fuel firms. | Donald TrumpHe’s “not a big believer in man-made climate change” and has referred to the concept as “a hoax.” Supports oil drilling, saying Obama should “let people drill,” and criticizes green energy as “way behind the times.” Has no section about his positions on climate change or the environment on his official site. |
National Security | Hillary ClintonAs secretary of state (2009 to 2013), was involved in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, led efforts to impose sanctions on Iran, negotiated a ceasefire in Gaza, and visited 112 countries. As president, she aims to defeat ISIS “without miring our troops in another misguided ground war” and work with allies to guard and reduce nuclear materials worldwide. | Donald TrumpHas no national security or foreign policy sections on his campaign site. Says he’s reluctant to discuss plans because he “wouldn’t want [foreign leaders and actors] to know what my real thinking is.” Describes his foreign policy as “America first,” says he would approve the use of torture and bar Muslims from the country. |
Photo credits: Hillary Clinton (Wikimedia Commons), Donald Trump (Gage Skidmore, Flickr)
Previous Updates
June 3, 2016:
The Candidates on National Security
In a post 9/11 world, terrorism is an ever-present worry for Americans. More recently, a spate of organized attacks in the U.S. and abroad has significantly elevated national security concerns among voters. Indeed, 32 percent of Republican voters, 21 percent of independents and 16 percent of Democrats consider terrorism and national security the most important issue in this election, according to a Suffolk University/USA Today poll conducted in May.
Of the remaining candidates in the 2016 U.S. presidential race, Clinton’s time as secretary of state gives her a leg up in experience, which she sought to capitalize on in a major speech challenging Donald Trump on Thursday, June 2. But all three remaining hopefuls have had plenty to say on the matter. Compare their views in our candidate issues cheatsheet above.
May 19, 2016:
The Candidates on the Environment
While a slice of the electorate does not believe climate change is real — despite overwhelming consensus within the scientific community — one thing that cannot be denied is the importance of environmental issues in this election. The positions of the remaining presidential candidates are divided along party lines, with Clinton and Sanders supporting initiatives to curb global warming and Trump expressing skepticism that the phenomenon even exists. Learn more about their individual positions in the chart above.
May 3, 2016:
The Candidates on Immigration and the Refugee Crisis
Jobs fears in the heartland, coupled with the ongoing Syrian refugee crisis, have made immigration a particularly high-profile, hot-button topic in this year’s election cycle, one frequently mentioned during debates and campaign speeches. What to do about America’s estimated 11.4 million undocumented immigrants and international pressure to help settle war refugees have the remaining presidential hopefuls starkly divided along party lines. See our chart above, for details on the the candidates’ past positions and policy plans, if elected.
April 14, 2016:
The Candidates on Education
Education hasn’t been a big topic on the campaign trail this year, but it’s a vital issue for business owners and, of course, parents and students. Access to a great education at all ages is increasingly crucial. It’s key to developing young minds and cultivating social skills. It shapes life opportunities and job options. Indeed, a college degree has become all but mandatory for securing a well-paying job, even as its cost has skyrocketed. Ensuring broad access to high-quality education isn’t just good for individual Americans, it’s vital to the country’s future prosperity in a globalized, high-tech, information age.
That’s why we took a close look at the presidential candidates’ views on how best to ensure learning opportunities for all Americans. As might be expected, the Democrats have leaned on federal policy prescriptions, while the Republicans have insisted improvement of our educational system must rest on the shoulders of states and local communities. Get the details above.
March 29, 2016:
The Candidates on Jobs
The economy and job creation are always front and center during Presidential elections in the United States, and this year is no exception. The economy has improved significantly after a long, tough recession, and the unemployment rate was down to 4.9 percent as of February from wretched 10 percent levels seen in 2009. Yet a disproportionate share of recent economic gains have gone to the wealthy, and well-paying job opportunities still elude millions of men and women across the nation. There is discontent among middle- and low-income voters, Republican, Democrat and Independent.
When we looked at what the remaining candidates promise to do to improve the jobs picture, we found a stark partisan divide on central issues like raising the minimum wage and using tax reform to spark job growth. Find out where each of the candidates stand above.
March 24, 2016:
The Candidates on Trade
Today, we update our cheatsheet to include the candidates’ positions on international trade, which has emerged as a top issue in the 2016 United States presidential election. Republican frontrunner Donald Trump and Democratic insurgent Bernie Sanders have both hotly criticized free trade, and found success with voters. All of the candidates have chimed in as they stumped for votes in Midwestern “Rust Belt” states, whose economies have been hard hit by decades of manufacturing job losses to low-cost developing countries.
Below, we see a growing rejection of free-trade pacts, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), that were once widely embraced on both sides of the American political divide. And we see broad calls for more protections for American workers and small businesses suffering from the decline of domestic manufacturing.
March 15, 2016:
The Candidates on Healthcare
Today is another big day for primary races in the 2016 United States presidential election. Voters in five key states are crowding the polls to select the Democratic and Republican Party nominees.
As American voters continue to weigh their options, we continue to document the candidates’ positions on issues important to women, and particularly to women entrepreneurs. Today, we add a new issue to our chart: healthcare. Read below to compare the candidates’ stands on the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, as well as the future of Medicaid and Medicare and how to beat back rising drug costs.
March 1, 2016:
The 2012 Candidates, on Women
Today is an important day in the 2016 United States presidential race: Super Tuesday, when the greatest number of states hold primary elections to decide who will represent the two major political parties in this year’s general elections.
On Tuesday, March 1, 13 states and one territory will allocate delegates to Republican candidates Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson and John Kasich, as well as Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
To help voters taking part in today’s proceedings — as well as primary elections still to come — we’ve put together a cheat sheet that breaks down the positions and records of each candidate on issues of great significance to women in America. If you would like to see us add other issues, send us your suggestions at [email protected].
As the race to the White House develops and other state contests heat up, we’ll update this chart — so be sure to check back!