Agustina Sartori_TSEYour Name: Agustina Sartori

Business Name: AdviseMeTech, a developer of technologies focused on women in the fashion and beauty industry

Type of Business: E-Commerce, Health & Beauty, High Tech

Business Location: Uruguay

Twitter @agustinasartori

Reason for starting
I always wanted to impact positively in society, and I believe that a way to do it is innovating with our ideas and taking the risks for this. On the other hand, when starting AdviseMeTech we identified that as women engineers we can spot out opportunities to create innovation in technology for women.

How do you define success?
I think that success is defined by different parts of our aspects of life. Its a combination between our personal, internal feelings and impact of what we do. Being successful is about the impact and significance of what we do, how what we do changes or defines society and contributes to the development. I think that success is also about the influence that we can have on other people to help them grow and continue to develop people and therefore having a bigger imapct on what we do.

Biggest Success
I feel that I could define it as starting the road of being an entrepreneur. I feel I have grown it as a concept and a way of life that now defines me as a person with passion. I feel it as a biggest success because I feel that this has opened my mind to impact the world. I feel I’m starting this path, and this is the first step of many things to come and to achieve.

What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it?
My top challenge is related with the balance needed to maintain and form a team that works and collaborates with the goal of creating significance. Building a team, and building relationships of value is to my understanding one of the hardest things, because to be significant and successful a team is always needed. I work everyday trying to address this with an open mind, specially being a good listener. I believe that not being a good listener is a big weakness, thats why I work for this everyday- listening, thinking and then talking, looking at things from different perspectives.

Who is your most important role model?
I believe that Richard Brandson is a person that drives innovation, takes risks and also impacts the rest of society trying to impact others to do the same. He has an impressive way of managing people that I think it is what builds what he has done being a gamechanger of today.