Your Name: Alexis Gopal M.D.
Business Name: Alexis Gopal Jewelry, a handmade jewelry company for women
Type of Business: Clothing & Accessories
Business Location: Bridgewater, Connecticut, United States
Reason for starting
I am a single mother to two beautiful daughters, and was also a physician with long hours. I rarely saw my babies. It started to impacted us all negatively. One day I received a call from my younger daughter’s first grade teacher, because she was crying hysterically. I was so alarmed, because she was the stoic one of my two girls. The response? She hasn’t seen mommy in five days. When I sat down at my desk, and thought about it, she was right. I’d leave in the morning before they wake up, come home after they’re asleep, was on call overnight every three days…They had overnight visitation with their Dad. I cried…and I resigned. That’s the year I returned to my childhood hobby of jewelrymaking. People started asking where I bought my jewelry, the next thing you know, I started a business. It was the best decision I’ve ever made, and I’ve never looked back since.
How do you define success?
Success, to me, is being able to make a living doing something you absolutely love doing. Making enough money to give you the freedom of spending time with your loved ones, accomplishing your dreams, and helping humanity.
Biggest Success
My biggest successes so far are selling out of a chic, Madison Avenue boutique and having my jewelry in the gift bags at the Golden Globes and the Academy Awards. Of course, being able to stay home and raise my daughters all these years is my real success.
Who is your most important role model?
My most important role model is jewelry designer Kendra Scott. She had a story similar to mine, and is so successful. I spent many months reaching out to her, but she is a very busy lady!! However, finally, she was gracious enough to speak to me on the phone and give me advice…she’s a lovely, down to earth woman. I hope to achieve her success.