The Story Exchange, Alisha Ramsey, TellurvisionYour Name: Alisha Ramsey

Business Name: Tellurvision, a video production company

Type of Business: Marketing & PR

Business Location: Raleigh, North Carolina, United States

Twitter   @AlishaTV

Reason for starting
I dreamed of being a broadcast journalist as a child. At age 17 while still in high school, I interned at a large news station an hour drive from my house in California. I quickly learned that I my dream wasn’t to cover fires, murder and crime on the nightly news. My true gift and passion is to tell peoples stories. While driving home from community college one day I heard, ‘Be a broadcast journalist in the Army National Guard.’ I did just that. I became a soldier. My first assignment, I deployed to Bosnia-Herzegovina for a year. I carried a camera and tripod in my left hand and an M-16 in my right hand. In addition to telling stories of soldiers and of families rebuilding their lives in war-torn Bosnia, I also served as a media escort for international reporters. Fast forward ten years, I decided to leave the Army to pursue my life long dream of owning my own business and telling stories. I’m now chief storytelling officer, producer and on-camera host. My company is Tellurvision, Corp. My personal brand is AlishaTV. I help people tell their stories and grow their businesses with online video.

How do you define success?
Success is not getting externally rich quickly, but becoming rich from within, overtime. Rich with knowledge and personal growth, rich with experiences and rich with friendships. This, combined with the ability to recognize and celebrate all the little wins along the way, is success in life.

Biggest Success
I celebrate all the little wins in business and in life. I am grateful to have returned from multiple combat tours safely. I am grateful that all of my soldiers returned safely to their families. I celebrate landing my first government contract, landing my largest regular client, Microsoft, and receiving unending and unsolicited client referrals.

What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it?
Owning a creative service can be a challenging business to run. My toughest challenge has always been flexing my scope of services to meet the demands in current niche industries I choose to serve. Another tough challenge is always updating our services to incorporate the latest technologies and marketing trends.

Who is your most important role model?
My mother battled cancer seven times in 15 years. She was a selfless server, a fighter and her spirit guides me everyday. I am thankful to meet amazing role models daily as I meet and interview the most passionate people on the planet.