Alma Abdul Hadi Jadallah; Kommon Denominator; Mediation and Facilitation; Consulting; The Story ExchangeYour Name: Alma Abdul Hadi Jadallah, Ph.D.

Business Name: Kommon Denominator, Inc., a conflict prevention firm

Type of Business: Conflict Prevention and Mitigation

Business Location: Fairfax, Virginia, United States

Twitter @kdenominator

Reason for starting
Belief that conflict resolution skills and approaches are to be shared and are needed to support healthy relations.

How do you define success?
Testimonials from the people, groups and individuals I work with, their ability to speak to the skills they have acquired, transformation in their thoughts and behaviors and ability to model different attitudes.

Biggest Success
Mediating complex cases in communities and in the workplace; Facilitating difficult conversations among disputing parties Teaching and training diverse audiences globally and locally in peace building skills

What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it?
Convincing people that the ideas and approaches we are committed to work, can be implemented. It takes years for problems to develop and it can take time to heal and forgive. Making sure that the process takes its right course while keeing the people interested in staying engaged and sustaining hope