This story is part of our 1,000+ Stories campaign. What’s your story?
Name: Anna Cortesi
Business: Anna Cortesi: Personal Nutrition Coach
Location: Limassol, Cyprus
Industry: Healthcare, Wellness & Fitness
Reason for starting? I am passionate about helping women embrace a healthier diet and its many benefits. What motivated me to become a personal nutrition coach is my personal experience with food. I struggled with food at a younger age, suffering from eating disorders for years. My educational background helped me turn years of disastrous eating patterns into my vocation: helping women take a positive step to changing their life, ditch the diet mindset, finding balance through loving their imperfections and improving their health through their daily food habits, physically and mentally.
Related: Read about another entrepreneur helping clients get healthy here.
How do you define success? Personally, I believe success is just a word used by people to describe a feeling of fulfillment at a certain period in time. I do not believe that success is the final destination in someone’s career or personal life. I believe success is the journey, including little stops that keep you overwhelmed with feelings of love and gratitude, until the next one. I do not believe that you can ever reach success, I see it as an ongoing process that never, ever stops evolving, like our goals and dreams are evolving throughout our life.
Biggest success: The success of my business, helping thousands of women overcome their food addictions, get healthier and find balance through their eating habits is unmeasurable. A recent measurable success I can refer to is my blog’s award as being one of the Top 100 Nutrition blogs on the planet, and this is something to be grateful for!
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What is your top challenge and how you have addressed it? Personal situations that have affected my business decisions include being asked to professionally advertise a very popular food product on TV. The product was part of a fad diet mentality, and I was not convinced by its properties and high profile. Although the financial benefit was tempting, I kindly declined the offer, since the product did not meet my work ethics and nutritional standards.
Who is your most important role model? I will be completely honest, in terms of business, I do not have a role model, someone to look up to. My life role model is my mum because instead of all the difficulties she faced through the years she managed to bring up a healthy family and still be the kindest person I know, who is always giving back to the community.
[box_light]Website www.
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Read about another entrepreneur here.
Edited by The Story Exchange