Your Name: Anna Newman

Business Name: Anna Newman Group, a film and production company

Type of Business: Arts & Entertainment

Business Location: San Fransisco, California, United States


Reason for starting
I wanted to not only develop my own skills as a producer and filmmaker, but to create opportunities for other emerging artists in the Bay Area. I wanted to pair junior filmmakers with experienced artists also eager for opportunities.

How do you define success?
Bringing together emerging artists and experienced professionals to create high quality unique films. That is my mission.

Biggest Success
My short documentary Wade Krause: Pinball Artist has recently been invited and accepted into Cinequest, an Oscar qualifying festival.

What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it?
Funding is always the struggle. In the past I have been successful with crowd funding. I continue to look for new avenues for funding, including grants and partnerships. I also rely on bartering: working on industrial and commercial projects in exchange for help with my documentaries.

Who is your most important role model?
My mother. Although she passed away when I was nineteen, she repeatedly told me I could achieve whatever I wanted to do. She was the first of her family to go to college, and she made sure I went too.