Your Name: Barbara Singer

Business Name: FULL METAL MAMAS Stand Up Comedy Show

Type of Business: Arts & Entertainment

Business Location: United States

U.S. State: New York

Reason for starting
I had just turned professional as a stand-up comic when I was diagnosed with 3rd stage ovarian cancer. I got through that then adopted a baby before dealing with two recurrences of the disease. I had lost so much time to doing stand up, that I decided to form my own group and include other moms who put stand up on the back burner to raise kids.

Biggest Success
My biggest success has been selling out! (I mean that in the good way!) I’ve been able to sell out some shows on no advertising budget all using listings and social media. Even when I don’t sell out, I always have a great show with a very happy audience!

What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it?
My top challenge was definitely coming back from being so physically drained from surgery and chemotherapy. Comedy is a craft that requires energy and focus, it took a while to get those things back. I’m happy to say that I’ve been in remission for nearly 8 years. Also, it’s a challenge to pursue stand up while raising a daughter.

Who is your most important role model?
My thirteen year old daughter is my role model because she’s so smart, talented and funny! She’s a delight to be with and she’s my favorite person in the world!