
We've interviewed hundreds of successful entrepreneurial women about their personal and professional journeys, and what they learned along the way. Read the stories of inspiring startup founders, mid-stage strivers and established women of influence. Learn from the experiences of women leaders of every age working in every industry, from around the world. Discover the many paths women are taking to build great companies, break through barriers and cultivate economic and social good. Get ready! These everyday role models may give you amazing ideas for expanding your own sphere of influence. And if they inspire you to start your own business, don't forget to share your startup story with us.

Young Entrepreneur: Ooshma Garg

At only 24, Ooshma Garg already has started two successful businesses – one that she recently sold and another that has attracted over one million dollars in venture capital.

Your Story Exchange: Jewels for Hope

Sandy D’Andrea founded Jewels For Hope, a handmade jewelry company, in 2009. The company creates specific lines of jewelry for a number of charitable organizations, and donates a portion of their profits to these causes.

Entrepreneur Making Love and Money

“I have to follow my own passion, not what my parents set out for me,” our 22-year-old intern Christina Wu said after watching Violet Lim’s video on The Story Exchange.

Gen-Y Entrepreneurs on Forbes Woman

ForbesWoman’s Meghan Casserly looks at young women entrepreneurs who find it challenging to climb the traditional corporate ladder and start their own businesses instead.

The Story Behind The Story Exchange

We’ve just launched The Story Exchange website but our project has been in the works for over a year. Former bank executive Victoria Wang and filmmaker Sue Williams are the principals behind The Story Exchange. They’ve brought us films of ten women entrepreneurs so far and will continue to seek out new stories of amazing women from the U.S. and abroad.

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