Award-winning filmmaker Sarah Moshman is focusing her lens on America’s sexual harassment problem.
For her newest documentary, “Nevertheless,” Moshman is examining workplace sexual harassment from personal, legal and social angles. She takes a deep dive, digging into the history of the problem and speaking to many women about their ordeals. She also explores how changing gender roles and toxic masculinity have exacerbated harassment in offices and considers proposed solutions to this deep-seated problem.
Moshman’s filmmaking career has always focused on stories of female empowerment, and she has received some acclaim for her work. She won a regional Emmy in 2013 for producing “Growing Up Strong: Girls on the Run,” a short feature that examined an after-school program for middle-school girls that works to build self esteem.
Another project, a 2014 feature-length film called “The Empowerment Project: Ordinary Women Doing Extraordinary Things,” has screened internationally and is available on streaming services like Hulu, iTunes and Amazon. It is also a testament to Moshman’s crowdfunding prowess — she raised almost $30,000 on Kickstarter in 2013 to produce that documentary.
Now Moshman hopes to replicate that crowdfunding success and complete “Nevertheless,” which she promises will illuminate “how we got here as a society and how we are going to move forward.”
The Money: There are 11 days remaining in Moshman’s Kickstarter crowdfunding effort. Before it closes, she hopes to raise at least $50,000. The money will go toward production costs like equipment and studio rentals and travel costs, so that she can share more women’s stories.
Related: Read about other women crowdfunders we’ve featured.