Credit: Barbara Kinney, Oakland, Calif., May 27, 2016
Credit: Barbara Kinney, Oakland, Calif., May 27, 2016

Understanding Hillary
Ezra Klein, for Vox
Ezra Klein’s detailed look into Hillary Clinton’s campaign seeks to understand why much of the public is cool on Clinton, while the people who know her are fans. The reason for this oddity, he believes, is a specifically feminine attribute: She listens. Research shows women emphasize the “rapport dimension” of communication, which they create by listening, he says. However, the U.S. political system rewards inspirational talkers, so Clinton can seem to fall short. At the same time, though, the ability to listen makes Clinton someone people want to work with. As such, she has been able to develop an unusually extensive network of political support, she has an incredibly loyal staff, and she is able to converse amicably with just about anyone. While Clinton defies typical gender roles, she maintains qualities that make women, women.

Are Women Party Leaders Set Up to Fail? What Business Tells Us About the ‘Glass Cliff’
By Julia Yates, The Conversation
Women across the world are rising to powerful political positions for the first time in history. But while many see Theresa May’s appointment to U.K. prime minister, Angela Eagle’s campaign for leader of the Labour Party, and Hillary Clinton’s victory in the U.S. presidential primaries as cracks in the glass ceiling, Julia Yates argues that their success may have more to do with the “glass cliff.” Research from the business world, she points out, shows that women tend to be appointed to CEO and other powerful business positions when companies are in decline and more willing to take a risk. Essentially, women are the last resort, forced to work twice as hard in situations destined to fail. So while we can be proud of women politicians’ recent achievements, Yates questions whether we are witnessing a milestone in gender equality — or just the top of an incredibly steep cliff.

Five Reasons Women Need to Talk More Openly About What They Earn
By Reva Seth, Fast Company
Women are their own best advocates when it comes to achieving pay equity. So while women are often uncomfortable talking about money, Reva Seth argues that talk that enables transparency is the key to progress. “If we’re looking to close the gap between males and females in the C-suite and male and female entrepreneurs,” says Amanda Alvaro, the cofounder of the public relations agency, Pomp & Circumstance, “we need to first break down the taboos around speaking about finances.” Seth believes that women talking more openly with each other about salaries, depending on each other for partnerships and building networks with other women in business will help women achieve equal pay and equal opportunity.

The ‘Avon Ladies’ of Pakistan Selling Contraception Door to Door
By Sabrina Toppa, The Guardian
Marvi, a small village in Pakistan that was once an emblem of female independence, is now home to a group of 1,600 women who travel door-to-door selling contraceptives. With the third highest maternal mortality rate in Asia, Pakistan is in need of family planning. That’s why the Health and Nutrition Development Society has trained the Marvi women to educate the masses about their birth control options. Marvis are trained to offer contraceptives in people’s homes as well as connect with religious leaders who can influence community use. While birth control is still controversial, Marvis have managed to advance their mission to help and educate women in a way their community can embrace. “Before the culture was rigid, but now they’ve gradually accepted family planning,” says Samina Khaskheli, a Marvi worker. “I am proud I can teach women about both the Qur’an and birth control.”

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