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Credit: Startup Stock Photos, StockSnap

The Men Who Mentor Women
Anna Marie Valerio and Katina Sawyer, Harvard Business Review
Mentors are a valuable resource for women trying to level up in their careers. For many, those mentors are men, who statistically speaking hold more senior management roles than women. Valerio and Sawyer examine “male champions,” mentors who are especially helpful to female professionals, to understand what they do differently than other managers. Several trends emerged, including a willingness among these men to use their positions of power to effect change and a shared realization “that gender inclusiveness means involving both men and women in advancing women’s leadership.”

The Only U.S. Politician to Vote Against War with Japan 75 Years Ago Was This Remarkable Woman
Ishaan Tharoor, The Washington Post
The late Republican politician Jeannette Rankin of Montana is perhaps best known for her least popular vote as an elected official — on Dec. 8, 1941, she was the lone voice of opposition to going to war with Japan after its attack on Pearl Harbor. But her legacy extends well beyond this one moment. She was the first woman ever elected to Congress, a seat she won after years of social work; a committed pacifist; and a vocal women’s rights advocate, Tharoor writes. “Rankin didn’t consider women to just be equal to men, but better and more attuned to the public good.”

For Political Women, it’s Jackie Kennedy or Bust
Jess Cartner-Morley, The Guardian
Multiple top designers say they won’t dress Melania Trump, but they loved dressing Michelle Obama. During the election, Hillary Clinton was judged regularly on the color of her pantsuits. Indeed, The Guardian reports that the link between women’s fashion and politics is stronger now than at any time since Jackie Kennedy. And Jess Cartner-Morley, the newspaper’s fashion editor, questions why a woman’s looks so often define who she is in the public eye.

A New Vision of Lingerie: Men Not Required
Caroline Tell, The New York Times
In 2014, Heidi Zak introduced ThirdLove, a site offering stylish underpinnings designed for women by women. “I pulled out my bras and realized they were so stretched out, and then the dread set in,” Ms. Zak said in The New York Times article. “It’s the dread of having to go out and buy new bras.” Many women relate, which is why new companies like ThirdLove, Lively, Lonely and Adore Me are flourishing by making it easier than ever for women to shop for lingerie online. These companies are also leaving behind the hyper-sexualized fantasy of lingerie and associating their garments with empowerment and comfort.

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