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Name: Hannah Wright

Business:, a beauty and fashion Q&A online magazine.

Industry: Clothing & AccessoriesHealth & Beauty

Reason for starting? I started because I noticed a big gap in the market. When women turn to online communities for fashion or beauty advice, they typically receive answers from total strangers. On our platform, we have expert contributors who answer top user-submitted questions in article format. Our contributors are fashion and beauty bloggers, journalists and more. We’re the first fashion and beauty Q&A platform with writers who answer user questions with 400-700 word articles, and are aiming high.

Related: Read about another Beauty entrepreneur here. 

How do you define success? Success is not just creating a vision, but rather–implementing it. Inventing a product or service that other people find helpful, something that you live and breathe.

Biggest Success: Our big success was landing a feature about bootstrapping as an Alaska-based startup. Forbes is one of my favorite publications, so it was pretty surreal seeing’s name on their website.

What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it? The top challenge would be our location, as we are based out of rural Alaska. Our website’s contributors are from all over the USA, but I started the platform in Alaska and am still operating out of a cabin by choice. I love it here, but when living away from a major city and running a startup, you have to change the way you deal with communications and networking. You have to develop skills that you never thought you would need, and you really have to go the extra mile to make an impression.

Related: Bobbi Brown on the Business of Beauty

Who is your most important role model? This may sound cliché, but I would definitely say that my mother and my grandmother are my role models. They are both incredibly strong, intelligent women, with so much positivity and ambition.

Twitter   @makeoverly

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Read about another Health & Beauty entrepreneur here!

Edited by The Story Exchange