JanaYour Name: Jana Talavaskova

Business Name: Leverage, a marketing and distribution company

Type of Business: Health & Beauty/Distribution company

Business Location: Bratislava, Slovakia

Reason for starting
Freedom – to live, to work, to speak, to breath. To do what I love. To live life on my terms and doing what others think is difficult or almost impossible. I love proving to myself and to them that it absolutely is possible.

How do you define success?
Doing what fulfils you at work, what you love at home and having great relationships at both.

Biggest Success
Improving my life over the last decade to the point where I would not change a single thing in the past or the present. I’m proud of who I became as a woman, an entrepreneur, a charity worker, a daughter, a girlfriend and a fitness freak – and reaching a necessary balance between all these areas.

What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it?
The biggest challenge for me was myself. It took me a while to realize that the only problem is my thinking and the way I react to situations that come into my life. Once you change that, you become calm and everything changes for the better.

Who is your most important role model?
I don’t have just one but Dale Carnegie, Robert Kiyosaki, T.Harv Eker and Anthony Robbins were the people who most influenced my life. But the ones I appreciate most are my parents. I truly love them for the way they raised us and for all the support they gave us.