Your Name: Jen McCarn

Business Name: Caring Senior Service, a homecare service for independent seniors

Type of Business: Non-Medical Homecare

Business Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Twitter @caringsrservice

Reason for starting
I have always wanted to work as my own boss in a rewarding job where I loved going to work every day. The Navy gave me the confidence that I have used throughout my career to take charge of my own life and not be afraid of change. I’m very proud of my military service and I find that our clients love to hear that I was in the Navy, because many of them were as well and they like to share stories.

How do you define success?
Not just completing the goals that I set out to complete but being happy with the results.

Biggest Success
It’s a work in process. I consider starting my own franchise with Caring Senior Service to be my biggest success with daily rewards and challenges.

What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it?
Caregivers and the high turnover for these employees is a huge challenge. Myself and care managers work every month to find ways to keep valued employees. We have started employee of the month, as well as reward systems throughout the month to encourage caregivers.

Who is your most important role model?
I would have to say Jesus. In this line of work, there are so many people going through so much. Caregivers, clients and the client families are dealing with the struggles of aging. I find myself needing a guide to help me be compassionate and caring without taking on issues that I just can’t control.