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Name: Jill Eras

Business: Jill Eras Dreamwork  

Location: Wyckoff, New Jersey, U.S.

Industry: Personal Services 

Reason for starting? I started working with individuals to bring awareness to the healing capabilities of dreams. Working with my dreams saved my life; they retrieved me from depression, nihilism, addictive behaviors and suicidal ideations. Dreams are the sacred language of the soul; our souls never stop trying to reach us and show us who we really are. This kind of love, compassion and commitment changed my life, and I have a deep desire and calling to shine light on the truth of why we dream. I love working with people who are hurting in many ways, and helping them find a pathway forward that they never believed was possible.

Related: Read about another personal coach here. 

How do you define success? My idea of success is loving what I do every day of my life. I believe we are each gifted in unique ways, and these gifts are fully realized and enjoyed when shared with others. Success means feeling good in my own skin. From there, I can enjoy and feel each moment of this precious life we’ve been given. I believe success is reflected back to me by my work, my family, my sense of self — only when I am walking my talk and being my authentic self.

Biggest success: Opening my office last year was a huge leap of faith. I am currently in graduate school at Seton Hall University, for a master’s of science in marriage and family therapy, so it seemed a little bit premature to open a private office. But it was becoming inappropriate to work from home, and I was longing to spread out and be a part of the world in a new, expansive way. Now, I am getting ready to move to a different space, one that is more connected to community and other women entrepreneurs. Once again, it is a leap of faith, but as I graduate with my master’s in December 2017, my growth is ready to bloom.

What is your top challenge and how you have addressed it? My top challenge has been overcoming the abuse I was exposed to as a child. Understanding my own story, learning and feeling how it has impacted my development as a woman, and moving on from those trauma feelings has been the major work and challenge of my life. Every step I have taken has led me to this moment of becoming me and becoming willing to join the world and share what I have to give. My desire to give back to other survivors of abuse is a driving force in my life.

Related: Julia Warren: Bringing Joy to Kids in Poverty

Who is your most important role model? My therapist is my most important role model. She is a mother figure to me, a mentor in the marriage and family therapy profession, an example of recovery work, and a kind and loving voice in my life. I have never known the kind of compassion and strength she has before, and it has been a game changer for me. She speaks to me like the mother I wish I had had, and she helps to heal wounds that I never thought could be soothed. I hope to be half the therapist she is; that would be a huge accomplishment.

Twitter   @jill_eras 
Instagram   @jillerasdreamwork[/box_light] 

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Read about another entrepreneur here.

Edited by The Story Exchange