Business Name: Kristie Kennedy Empowerment Enterprises, LLC., a coaching service to promote and empower leadership
Type of Business: Coaching & Consulting
Business Location: Tallahassee, Florida, United States
Twitter @kristieykennedy
Reason for starting
Initially, it was the result of being laid off from my place of employment due to company downsizing. In that moment I realized that I was responsible for attaining and sustaining my own financial security. After turning in the building keys, two days later I was at the Division of Corporations completing paperwork to legalize new business.
How do you define success?
Success, is the power to continually evolve into more of who you were designed to be, to possess the courage to pursue your hearts deepest desire, the ability to rise above the challenges of life with a deep sense of appreciation of where you are, where you have been and ultimately where you are heading.
Biggest Success
After pondering for a moment over an extensive resume of achievements, I always say the one that has yet to occur. I never want to become complacent in what I have attained to date. If I had to choose only one it would be a non-tangible, which is the courage to follow my dreams, wholeheartedly, without hesitation or reservation.
What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it?
Patience. If you would have asked me that question five years ago, I may have answered differently. The focus would most likely have been on capital, cash flow, human resources etc. The greatest challenge is to overcome your self-limiting beliefs and negative behavior patterns. I personally want everything to happen yesterday. I am passionate about my personal growth and development. The natural laws of existence requires the vital process of tilling, planting, watering, waiting until ultimately we enjoy the joys of harvesting.
Who is your most important role model?
Her name is Annie, my mother. As long as I can remember she has been my top supporter. She has seen me at my best and loved me through my worst. I am most grateful for the gift of her wisdom, strength, friendship and kindness throughout my entire life. The woman I am today is highly influenced by the beauty of her grace.