Kristina Karim is a Los Angeles, California-based Reiki Master Teacher who is expanding her wellness offerings through her company Reiki and Roll. Karim discovered Reiki years ago when she was undergoing a process of self-healing and found it to be a powerful tool for dealing with trauma in the body. After becoming a certified Reiki teacher, she began to practice and offer spiritual coaching, energy clearing and online courses. Today Karim is celebrating her successes and helping others to find peace and wellness.
Karim’s story, as told to The Story Exchange 1,000+ Stories Project:
My intention is to spread love. I created Reiki and Roll as an umbrella company with the intent of holding space for others, whether in one on one spiritual sessions, workshops, or as a way of creating products providing peace and comfort in people’s lives. I stumbled across Reiki as I dove into my journey of self healing. My passion was immediately ignited and I wanted to learn everything I could, so over time I became a Reiki Master Teacher. Reiki and Roll is a space that is always available to anyone wanting to connect to themselves in a meaningful way. We always have the ability to connect to ourselves simply by taking a deep breath, no matter where we are.
Our relationships, our friendships, our finances, our jobs, and our health is relative to the power we hold within ourselves. When I am standing in my truth as an empowered being and standing in my creative, abundant, loving energy I feel successful. It is easier said than done! When we regain and hold our individual power, we become aware of what is in alignment with us in this moment in time, and what isn’t. Sometimes it can be our job that we give our power away to. The question then becomes, “What do I need to do now?” or, “How can I change the situation?” or, “How can I better establish boundaries so I can regain my power?”
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I celebrate and honor every accomplishment. Every time I motivate myself enough to get up and go for a walk is a success worth celebrating. These small moments are opportunities for us to blanket ourselves in joy. Booking a role in a hit TV show that won a Peabody award, helping cancer patients through the hardest time in their lives, and more recently what I’ve come to create on Clubhouse with Bryant Wood are wonderful successes that I honor.
Bryant is a priest, master breath work initiator, and high performance coach. We create a safe space every morning for 90 minutes for anyone wishing to tune in, available only on the Clubhouse app. This space brings forth a collective of individuals where anyone can enter the stage and share their story. We provide grounding, inspiration, and meditations to anyone entering the room that day, and music is provided by the attendees. Within the first week of launching we connected with 100-150 people each day. I am grateful for this partnership and I look forward to all of the ways people connect and collaborate with each other from this space and bring forth love into the world.
Belief in oneself is much like climbing a mountain. The hardest aspect for me was summoning the courage to launch Reiki and Roll. I wondered to myself, “Am I capable of running a business?” Sometimes it’s important we release the belief systems that were instilled in us as children, that continue to shape us. As an adult, it is my responsibility to do what is best for myself by releasing ideas that no longer serve me, including the belief surrounding my ability to run a business. A supportive friend inspired me by saying, “Kristina, I think it’s time you show people who you really are.” This was enough to dig my heels into the earth and run with it. Amazingly, within 24 hours of the launch I sold out of product.
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My late grandmother, Patricia Eddie, is my most important role model. She was so full of grace, warmth, and love. When she wasn’t disciplining us for not washing our hands or jumping on her bed, she was spoiling us. She helped raise my sisters and I, and I’ll always be grateful. My favorite memories with her are from when we were with the entire family at the lake house, and the smell of when she cooked breakfast in her cherry patterned robe for the entire family. These are my favorite memories of her. It is the simple moments that mean the most. She was so kind and generous to us simply with her time and presence. I’ll always be grateful.
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