This story is part of our 1,000 stories campaign. What’s your story?

Name: Laurel Donnellan

Business: Bright Livelihoods, a counseling service to guide people into the right industry

Industry: Coaching & Consulting

Location: Chicago, Illinois, U.S.

Reason for starting: I had an epiphany while participating in a Native American vision quest, that my role on this planet is to translate ancient wisdom into an accessible program designed to help people find and follow their calling.

Related: Loving what you do: female entrepreneurs pursuing their passions.

How do you define success? When an individual knows their purpose and how to best use their passion. Ironically my programs include a large health and relationship component while I have found that my own relationships and health have suffered due to working so much. We recently changed our company values to heavily emphasize self-care to remind me and others to put themselves first.

Biggest Success: Translating our successful adult programs into a curriculum for teens and children. We are currently working to launch these programs so they can scale through two new brands: Express Your Genius for kids and tweens and Dream First for teens.

Related: Read more about expanding your small business here.

What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it? Deciding to go from a boot strapped business to one with investable business plans. We are addressing this slowly and carefully and hoping to gain the support of investors in Chicago.

Who is your most important role model? Chuck Feeney who is a social impact pioneer.

Twitter @laureldonnellan

Tell us your story!

Read about another life coaching entrepreneur here.


Edited by The Story Exchange