Business Name:, a professional auctioneer and business consulting service
Type of Business: Benefit Auctions
Business Location: Joppa, Maryland, United States
Reason for starting
Private schools and non-profit organizations hold annual fundraisers so they can continue meeting the needs of their community. Because of my advanced education as a Benefit Auctioneer Specialist, I wanted to work with these groups to help them achieve and even surpass their goals, raising millions each year. It is very rewarding serving as a consultant guiding my clients in the planning process with advanced fundraising strategies and then conducting the silent and live auction on event night, creating a connection to the mission, spreading energy and enthusiasm, and witnessing the outpour of public philanthropy. With my background in education and theatre, and the desire to guide others to succeed, serving as a benefit auctioneer was the perfect fit.
How do you define success?
Success to me is all about the journey. In my line of work, whether for me personally or for a client, it starts with setting goals and establishing action steps. Achieving and surpassing the goals is incredibly rewarding, but it was the action steps during the journey that help us achieve a goal. The lessons we learn and the people we meet during this journey become experiences we use in the future to motivate and educate others. One example is when a non-profit organization decided for the first time to use a Professional Benefit Auctioneer to help them with their fundraiser. They were very receptive to change and open to advanced fundraising strategies, and on event night, they more than tripled their goal, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars that night. The experience along the way, the journey, is what made this happen.
Biggest Success
Serving as Ambassador for the National Auctioneers Association, motivating and educating auctioneers and the public about the auction profession after earning one of the top honors in my profession: 2012 International Auctioneer Champion in the women’s division.
What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it?
Change is a top challenge. As a Benefit Auctioneer Specialist, I need to be pro-active instead of reactive when it comes to change so I can continue being on the cutting edge to best serve the needs of my clients. I address this through continuing education through the National Auctioneers Association and Networking. I attend educational sessions at the annual Conference and Show and I attend the annual Benefit Auction Summit. At this summit, Professional Benefit Auctioneers across the United States, meet to share best practices and attend advanced educational sessions. We are a close network of Benefit Auction Professionals and we reach out to one another throughout the year.
Who is your most important role model?
It is so hard to choose between Dale Carnegie and Zig Ziglar because both have had a profound affect on my growth. Their writings are not meant to serve as a one time read. I continue to refer back to them for guidance and direction.