This story is part of our 1,000 stories campaign. What’s your story?

MiaResurrecion2_260x152Your Name: Mia Resurreccion McDonald

Business Name: Borrowed Life MC, LLC, an online clothing store meant to inspire

Type of Business: Clothing & Accessories

Business Location: Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Reason for starting

My walking limitations from a Train Accident 6 years ago that really challenged me! It became my big business idea to create a brand of “Borrowed Life” for Clothing Line & Accessories. As a former Nike Store Sales Consultant, with my Selling Skills, I learned the power of branding.

How do you define success?
I would define success as being an overcomer of small or big challenges that we always have to face in every situation at any given time. And, we looked on things differently with a positive attitude with the clarity of our purpose.

Biggest Success
My biggest success was able to turn around my tragedy into a powerful brand of “Borrowed Life”

What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it?
I am heading to a Non-Profit Business and I would like to execute my very first campaign of the Missing Toes story. A story of two women in Baltimore, Maryland looking for a pair of shoes. Her name is Bernadette and of course, I am the other person. We need a pair of shoes because Bernadette needs to get the left one and I the right. I think we are a perfect match because both of our foot looks exactly the same — CUT! Actually, Bernadette lost her left foot from a disease called Lupus an I lost my right foot from a train accident. My accident happened at BWI Airport Linthicum six years ago when I was crossing the train tracks on foot on my way to work.

Who is your most important role model?
My business mentor. To have someone who believes on your idea is a big encouragement for me.

Twitter @borrowedlife7
Pinterest Borrowed Life

Tell us your story! 

Edited by The Story Exchange