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Name: Michelle McGlade
Business: MM International, Inc. , coaching and consulting for holistic practitioners
Industry: Coaching & Consulting
Location: Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.
Reason for starting: I discovered a passion for holistic health care and natural medicine alternatives through my own health challenges and struggles. I had the opportunity to turn this passion in to a career and take the leap from Corporate america to become an Acupuncturist. It was this leap that changed everything. I built and realized my dream in under two years of owning a fully booked clinic, working along side colleagues I admired, and creating the financial success to take time off and help even more people than I ever imagined. This process unveiled my true passion to help other practitioners do the same. I believe when you are able to align business and passion, you not only manifest your dream but also become unstoppable. I am now a success coach for holistic practitioners!
Related: Read about another coaching & consulting entrepreneur here.
How do you define success? I love this question because within holistic health care, I see so many practitioners comparing themselves to others. Instead, I challenge my clients to define and continue to redefine what success looks like for them. My definition of success is self growth. I am constantly interested in making myself uncomfortable, seeking new challenges and striving to achieve at a level that will “blow my mind.” I measure success for myself in two ways. First, I look for areas within my business where I took risks. Taking risks regardless of the outcome equals success. Second, I look for areas within my business where I failed. Meaning, I tried but it did not work. This is an important addition to risk-taking because failure for me typically means I really stretched.
Biggest Success: I am a huge believer in celebrating and encouraging everyone to celebrate the milestones in life and in business. I have many milestones and lots of great success. How can I pick just one? Ok, if have to…most recently, I wrote a book and that will be published this year. You bet there will be a celebration! But, my biggest success is yet to come.
What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it? My biggesst challenge has always been thinking big enough for myself. I was raised to believe I could do anything I wanted in life. The problem was, I just was not able to see exactly how endless that limit was. I only dreamed as far as I could see. I help address this by making sure my goals sound absolutely ridiculously unattainable to me. I know when I write down a goal and laugh, thinking how crazy it sounds, that I am on the right track.
I also have surrounded myself with big thinkers. Not only my husband and close friends, but also hiring a coach and finding mastermind groups with individuals who are doing amazing things. I find that surrounding myself with people who are where I want my business to be, will motivate me to get there faster.
Related: Women Entrepreneurs: Example, not Exception
Who is your most important role model? I do not have one role model. I am a student of the human element. I look to all people, I can learn something from everyone and any situation.
Twitter @mcglademichelle
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Read about another Coaching & Consulting entrepreneur here.
Edited by The Story Exchange