Your Name: Michelle Weber

Business Name: Michelle Weber, a provider of integrated fitness and lifestyle design

Type of Business: Health and Wellness

Business Location: New York, New York, United States

Twitter @MichelleWeber

Reason for starting
I have been motivated by movement and health and wellness from the very beginning of my life! I began my career as a professional dancer and Choreographer in NY and LA. Alongside that career, I began teaching other people how to re-educate and take care of their bodies by teaching teaching a few Mind/Body core training systems. It became such a passion and puzzle to me that I could not stop. I wake up each day excited to help people learn how to exercise in a way that feels great and can enhance the rest of their lives. I am inspired to educate Pre and Post-Natal women about how to exercise during and after pregnancy. I see the joy on their faces and freedom it allows them and realize that they are able to move and be pain free in a way that benefits both mother and baby! Then to heal and strengthen following birth. I feel that I am helping the world be a bit healthier and happier one person at a time!

How do you define success?
Success is feeling great about the choices you make and actions you take each and every day. I feel successful when one of my clients texts me at 10pm to tell me their shoulders feel different or they can breath better, or they achieved a new goal of their own as a result of our work together. I also define success by the happiness that I derive from living my life each day. If my work and life are balanced and I feel present and able to continue contributing fully to each, I feel successful. I see the rest of it as a bonus on top!

Biggest Success
My biggest Success is the fact that I truly work for myself now. I love creating a vision for my business and seeing that people are attracted to it and enjoying what I offer. I love that I see other professionals (peers) also interested in what I am creating and cheering me on as I do so. I believe that there is enough room in business for all of our unique talents to shine, and to see that my peers are supporting me to have my talents shine is truly a huge gift to me! I also have one of my clients that came to me a couple years ago after being told that he would have to have surgery to fuse his spine. He walked in to the studio with his spine in an S curve so pronounced, he could not truly function. We have been working together for 2 years and he just ran another marathon (a passion of his) with no pain and a record breaking time! This was one of his goals, and to be able to help him get there feels amazing!

What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it?
My top challenge has been to expand my business in the way I would really like to. I am currently adding a few certifications on to my list of current offerings to round out the work that I currently do and offer a full service place for people to get the Physical workout, Emotional Healing, and Nutritional Support that they need to change their lives in an integrated way. I feel that they are all connected, and until just recently was not able to offer the Nutritional support to my clients personally. Now I will be able to offer them packages for full Lifestyle Design. I am one of those people that feels that life is about learning, so I am sure my business will continue to evolve, but the feeling of being able to confidently offer all sides of wellness support really excites me.

Who is your most important role model?
My most important role model is my mother! She built a Real Estate Brokerage from the ground up when I was young. I identify with her more and more each day, as I just recently gave birth to my first son this past year. I see what an amazingly strong woman she was in creating her own business and raising my sister and I alone while she did so. She had a passion to sell real estate and move people from home to home. I have a passion to move people, and make their bodies their home.