Your Name: Priyanka Bhatia

Business Name: One Tree Spaces

Type of Business: Wealth Creation from Investment and Real Estate for Women

Business Location: India

Twitter @onetreespaces

Reason for starting
1. Always wanted to have my own business 2. Be my own boss 3. Earn lots of money

How do you define success?
1. Build a high value niche service 2. Build a brand 3. Number of women served with high quality investment and real estate consulting services

Biggest Success
1. Identifying a niche market, developing a service 2. Creating workshops, begin marketing 3. Initiating process of buying property

What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it?
1. Being a woman in a man’s business 2. Being in an unorganised sector and operating ethically 3. Reaching out to women professionals and entrepreneurs with our services. We are planning to address this challenge through our workshops, webinars, videos, Facebook page, LinkedIn interactions, emails and SMSes to women.

Who is your most important role model?
My dad