Business Name: Sisters of Hope, Inc, a Christian organization dedicated to supporting girl
Type of Business: Coaching & Consulting/Social Enterprise
Business Location: Saint Louis, Missouri, United States
Twitter @RainieHoward
Reason for starting
As a young girl I struggled with insecurities and a lack of confidence. I was shy and quiet and often struggled with low self-esteem. After growing in my faith and relationship with God, I developed a strong inner confidence and strength that enabled me to become a successful business woman, artist, speaker, wife and mother. After experiencing true happiness, confidence and peace in my life; I developed a strong passion to help other women and girls experience the same joy in their lives. There are so many women and girls who are in need of hope, support, love, and confidence. For several years now, Sisters of Hope has been providing prevention programs, inspiration and motivation to women and girls. Sisters of Hope has provided educational, life skills curriculum and resources to enhance education, build character, integrity and confidence.
How do you define success?
My definition of success is discovering your divine purpose and fulfilling it. Success is becoming who you were created to be by doing what you were created to do. I am successful because I am fulfilling my divine purpose.
Biggest Success
We have so many proud moments of success, hosting the biggest girl empowerment fashion show in Missouri. Partnering with Macy’s on a red carpet fashion show for girls. Our long lasting partnership with the MO History Museum to provide empowerment programing to women and girls in the community. Nevertheless, our biggest success is when a client shares a heart felt testimony of how much our programs, messages and encouraging words has changed her life. Those are the accomplishments that motivates me to keep going.
What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it?
Our top challenge is having the capacity and resources to service the overwhelming need. We are often seeking mentors, women leaders, and supporters to get involved and assist in helping Sisters of Hope fulfill the mission of empowering women and girls. We have addressed this challenge by developing partnerships with various organizations and individuals who share the same mission and vision. We are always seeking new supporters.
Who is your most important role model?
My mother is my role model. She is also a well respected entrepreneur and have owned her company for many years in the health care industry. She is a woman of faith, integrity, confidence and style. I look up to her and admire her heart of generosity. She may be a CEO leading hundreds of employees in her company, but she also feed hundreds of homeless women, men and children monthly at a local shelter. She has taught me so much about business.