RamyaYour Name: Ramya

Business Name: Career Consulting, a resource provider to guide people in career paths

Type of Business: Coaching & Consulting

Business Location: New York, United States

Reason for starting
According to a recent Gallup survey, 71% of U.S workers dislike their jobs. Pretty high, right? So I am on a mission to decrease the number of people who hate going to work everyday. I created The SuccessSuite because I firmly believe that with the right support, tools, and resources, anyone can have a career that they love.

How do you define success?
Success is about discovering your unique purpose and using it to make a great living and a great impact in the lives of others.

Biggest Success
Thus far, my biggest success has been attracting five dream clients without a website, Facebook page, or other marketing strategies.

What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it?
My toughest challenge has been entrepreneurial isolation. Sometimes, launching a brand new venture gets lonely, because it poses some very unique challenges. However, I’ve addressed this concern by joining an amazing, supportive group of female entrepreneurs. They are like my business sisters!

Who is your most important role model?
My mother. She not only embodies grace, class, and resilience, but she also serves as inspiration for all mompreneurs out there! Growing up, I watched her create and maintain several successful businesses while she raised seven kids!