Your Name: Rebecca Jones

Business Name: RJ Training Ltd, a support service for women

Type of Business: Coaching & Consulting

Business Location: Wales, United Kingdom

Twitter @redshoebizwoman

Reason for starting
I’m dyslexic and I found it hard to hide this problem in the workplace so I made my own workplace. First as a tutor in IT and then after studying part time, running the business and raising the kids I qualified as a teacher and have a Masters in Education. I now train CEO’s and work with boards to develop their people and business to be successful. I also speak at events about being true to yourself, living and working with fun, passion and true to your values and how this can make you stand out from the rest.

How do you define success?
Success must be something that comes from within. I used to think success was achieving things others felt you should buy now now its about achieving things which make me feel good and happy with myself and sit well with my values.

Biggest Success
Managing to bring up 2 lovely young people whilst developing a business and my own skills not been easy but wow I did it.

What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it?
Overcoming my fear of writing. I wrote a book. Mad fool that I am it was a long process but so worth it now when women I work with can see what you can achieve if you really want to.

Who is your most important role model?
My late father encraged u to do what made us happy and always believed in us.