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Name: Samentha Tiller

Business: DMI Technologies, Inc

Location: Fort Worth, Texas, U.S.

Industry: Technology & Telecommunications

Reason for Starting: I was tired of working long hours and what seemed harder then the men in my office. The opportunity fell in my lap and I snapped it up. It is still a lot of hours and a lot of work, but I see all the men in my office working just as hard and sometimes harder for what I am passionate about, which is what they are passionate about too.

Related: The World Needs Women Leaders 

How do you define success? I get to go home to a great guy and a couple of dogs and most days the office can take care of itself. That to me is success when you can spend time away and not stress that it’s not getting done. Having the opportunity to give back to my community, we have a couple great charities that we sponsor and I am a member of of a couple great groups that do a lot locally for our neighbors.

Biggest success: Was when I hired a great operations manager came on board and took the bull by the horns so to speak and he has been by my side almost the whole time. We recently added a new position for a sales director and filled it a great guy as well. Looking at these two people helping me run this company I have no worries it will be here long after I am gone.

Related: Secrets of Growth: How to Hire the Best

What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it? We have been in business little over 10 years and we have reached a level and been stuck there for a couple of years. We have gone back to basics and strived to incorporate this back in what we are doing to increase our growth as company.

Who is your most important role model? Wow there are so many, but I will say my Mom as she was the first person to tell me I can do what ever I want. Just put my mind to it and it will happen, if you’re determined to see it through. She always told me don’t give up and you will see your success when you finish the job. I am striving everyday to do that for her.

Twitter   @dmitechnologies

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Edited by The Story Exchange