Stephanie Goodell’s company, Samaya Consulting, is at the center of an influential network that includes some of the most successful women-led companies in the world. Samaya curates and fosters dynamic, real-life connections between your company and a hand-selected group of female leaders that comprise CEOs, presidents, and founders of mid-market companies. These connections help you leverage the power of your brand to capitalize on the growing influence of women running high-growth companies.
Your Name: Stephanie Goodell
Business Name: Samaya Consulting LLC
Type of Business: Marketing & PR
Business Location: Massachusetts, United States
Reason for starting
I am not sure that I realized I was starting a business at the time. I took a small “bridge” job that turned out to be a big opportunity. It was a speaker manager role with a major US business publication. Now, that job has developed into a marketing outreach consultancy working with hundreds of global, high-growth, women-led businesses.
Biggest Success
Each year, I continue to grow my scope of work and revenue, and in this economy, that is success! And while I grow in these ways, I also learn more and more each day, remain inspired by my work, and meet some incredible entrepreneurs who run wildly successful and fascinating businesses. Enjoying work each day and being challenged is success to me.
What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it?
All of my challenges are related: perfectionism, letting go of every little detail, asking for help, admitting I am not an expert and can’t do it all. To help solve this, I’ve someone to manage administration so I can focus on strategy and business development.
Who is your most important role model?
The entrepreneurs I interact with each day are great role models. Some have sold their companies for millions and millions of dollars–which is not my goal right now–but each of us have taken an idea and confidently, with business savvy and creativity, grown it into a livelihood that supports our families, inspires us, and provides jobs for others.
Editor’s Note: Stephanie’s long term goal is to establish an internationally reputable leadership school for girls in the Indian Himalayas. She fell in love with the region in 2000, after a visit to Tibetan refugee communities.
Twitter: @itsgoodell, @HelloSamaya
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Read about another Marketing & PR entrepreneur here.
Edited by The Story Exchange