A list of supportive spaces — physical and virtual — for future female employees and entrepreneurs.
1000 Technology & Telecommunications
2 STEM Business Success Stories
Need inspiration? Check out these videos of women in engineering and computer forensics.
Welcoming Women at STEM Conferences – and Beyond
UC Davis professor Jonathan Eisen explains how to help make science a true meritocracy.
Turning the Tide for Women Studying STEM
Nancy Hopkins, a researcher and MIT professor, offers her observations on the experiences of female STEM majors.
7 Inspiring Women in Engineering
Guest author Jenny Beswick, an engineer who encourages women to join the field, shares this list of pioneers.
Creating a Supportive Space for Women in Tech
Lawrence, executive director of the New York Tech Meetup, explains why conversations about women in STEM must continue.
Focusing on the Science – Not the Gender of the Scientist
The woman behind Wibi+Works talks about the importance of perseverance.
Engineering a Career Path in the Modern STEM World
Durham, of Chic G.E.E.K.S., discusses racial representation and damaging stereotypes.
STEM Entrepreneurship – Where are the Women?
How can we bridge this seemingly insurmountable gap?
Tech Education Coming to Women in West Africa
More than 1,500 Nigerian women will receive training thanks to a new effort by the Youth for Technology Foundation.