
The Story Exchange presents Three Good Women: our shortlist of stand-out female entrepreneurs who run businesses that are not only doing well, but doing good in the world. Find out how these three women — and all of our applicants — are making a difference through their ventures.

Rebecca Thomley: Creating a Company that Gives

Rebecca Thomley has established a pervasive culture of volunteerism at Orion Associates. All of its more than 2,500 employees are expected to participate in community work.

Audra Fordin: Bringing Car Confidence to Women

Audra Fordin of Great Bear Auto Repair and Women Auto Know wants her fellow females to get comfortable in a traditionally male space.

Miriam Farhan: Lifting Up Female Workers a World Away

Miriam Farhan started The Market Find to bring empowerment and economic opportunity to Pakistani women like her.

Graphics by Natalie Gaisser