Three cheers for three glorious years!

So far, we have…
–created inspiring videos seen by more than 1 million viewers, on platforms ranging from our YouTube channel to JetBlue’s TV to Yahoo! Screen.
— forged content partnership with The New York Times’ “You’re the Boss” blog, not to mention Huffington Post, Take the Lead, Claudia Chan, Enterprising Women and more.
— penned in-depth series on topics such as STEM entrepreneurship and financial confidence. (And read our OpEd on female scientists in Inc. magazine. )
— written more than 1,200 original, informative posts (and counting!) for our readership.
— celebrated the successes of over 800 women through our 1,000 Stories campaign.
— promoted the work of emerging entrepreneurs through our popular Young Women to Watch initiative.
— spoken at conferences hosted by NAWBO, Center for Women in Business and others.
… and we can’t wait for the opportunity to do even more for incredible female entrepreneurs throughout the world.
Here’s to three more years, and beyond!
P.S. Look for us this weekend in The Wall Street Journal’s Off Duty section.