
Your Name: Irina Berdisa

Business Name: Hairdresser BATISTA, a professional hair service

Type of Business: Health & Beauty

Business Location: Vienna, Austria

Reason for starting
Dear all, I turned 26 one month ago and I started my own business, before I studied 6 years for aviation engineering, now I manage my own beauty salon with 3 employees. Every customer walks in my salon and donates 1 euro to abandoned children; I want to use LED battery and make my salon green. Last but not least I lend books to the customers, so they will return them back next time they come… I believe my approaches are unique and I developed everything from zero. I want to tell my story to others and inspire the young generation; I also want people to do business not only for profit but also for good! The reason I started the business was because I lost my job and was very stressed; I didn’t want to stay at home and decided to start up my own business. I graduated from engineering school in London, moved with my work to austria and opened a hairdresser store without knowledge of the language.

How do you define success?
Success is when my customers are coming back in one month, or calling me back and telling me how much they liked my place.

Biggest Success
Increased revenue by 200 percent in the third month and made a weekly revenue in one day.

What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it?
The top challenge for me was to find the right approach for the customer and to hire the right people. Each customer is an individual and needs its own approach.

Who is your most important role model?
It’s my mum, who helped me to achieve the success and supported me in every life situation. She is my best friend and very very important for me. The reason I opened the business was also the jubilee of my mum who is turning 60 this November. 😉