Business Name: Yvonnejalina Floral, a florist designer and event planning service
Type of Business:Florist Event designer
Business Location: Verona, Pennsylvania, United States
Facebook yvonnejalina Floral
Reason for starting
I started my business because I love flowers and event planning. I have always been creative, but I was afraid to make a career out of my passion. However, about 4 years ago my mother became ill with Alzheimer’s and I had to leave my job to take care of her fulltime. Therefore, I had to change my career so I decided to go after my passion and that’s what I did.
How do you define success?
I define sucees as being fianancially comfportable and going to work everyday doing something you love and drives you to get up in the morning.
Biggest Success
My biggest success was opening my flower shop. It had been a dream for a long time and I didn’t think it would be possible, but through faith in god and hard work I was ale to do it.
What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it?
My top challenge is finding money for start up cost and money to expand the business. I have used my own personal funds and have used funds from family and friends.
Who is your most important role model?
My best friend, Lyz, who is also my business coach. She has helped me in so many ways, from advice to just keeping me encouraged in the hard times. I thank God for her friendship.