Business Name: Elevated Men’s Salon, a barber shop for men
Type of Business: Health & Beauty
Business Location: Saint Louis, Missouri, United States
Facebook Men’s Salon LLC
Reason for starting
I started Elevated Men’s Salon because I wanted to find a way to help strengthen and empower men. I felt that if men found themselves inspired and in a better position in life than what they once were our families and communities would benefit from that. Elevated Men’s Salon provides an audience for what I am trying to accomplish. I strive the importance of being active in the community, finding out in a general way what our clients needs are and being a resource for that need.
Biggest Success
My biggest success in the six months that we have been open is the partnership that our salon has made with the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization. Through our partnership we are doing the first ever in St. Louis barber shop mentor recruitment drive starting on November 17 2012. The story is featured on the Big Brothers Big Sisters website.
What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it?
My challenge is finding barbers to work at the salon who have all of the great aspects of a barber… dependable, talented, professional, licensed as well as a strong passion for being actively involved in the community.
Who is your most important role model?
The whole concept of the Elevated Man (a man that exemplifies strength, confidence and style) came from the men that I was raised around. Those include my father, brother, uncles and cousins. Those people along with my mother and sister are my role models.