Startup Tips

Articles offering advice and tips to women entrepreneurs who are working to start and grow successful businesses.

You’re Not Doing What You Love. Here’s why.

There’s something you’d much rather be doing, than whatever you’ll do today. As kids, our future aspirations (which changed frequently) seemed so possible. Is it because we were naïve adolescents?

Book Excerpt: How Great Women Lead

In this excerpt from How Great Women Lead: a Mother-Daughter Adventure Into the Lives of Women Shaping the World authors Bonnie St. John and her teenage daughter recall the conversation that started their journey.

How to Avoid A Tech Nightmare

Nelly Yusupova is the CTO of Webgrrls, a networking organization that helps keep professional women connected to one another and leverage technology.

Women and Wine: It’s in Your Bones

A new study out today has found that moderate alcohol consumption may help prevent bone loss in women. I can’t imagine receiving better news – although I’m still hoping that the definition of moderate will expand to more than one or two drinks daily. Since wine is good for my bones, I need to drink more of it, so I called on wine expert Lysanne Tusar

Trust Your Opinion

In this vlog Gabby talks about the importance of releasing the need for other people’s opinions and accepting that you are your greatest adviser. The more you listen to your inner guide the stronger your intuition will be.

7 Secrets to Work-Life Sanity

Do you ever feel like Wonder Woman? I have. As a woman juggling a ton of things I’ve wondered “what the heck happened to my life?” In fact, there have been times when I wondered if I had much of a “life” at all.

Don’t Panic! How to Make Better Business Decisions

In his book, The Mindful Leader, Michael Carroll tells the story of a capsized riverboat in a Chinese village. As all the villagers ran to the river to help, one man, an old fisherman, went off in the opposite direction.

7 Lessons from Twenty-Something CEOs

At a recent event hosted by Asian Women in Business, a new generation of CEOs gathered to discuss their experiences of starting a company and provide advice to aspiring entrepreneurs.