Tory Johnson, Entrepreneur, Business Leader, Author

Tory Johnson is an award-winning business leader, contributor for ABC’s Good Morning America, and bestselling author devoted to career success. She is Founder and CEO of Women for Hire, which offers recruitment services for women. Tory hosts Spark & Hustle conferences and intensive coaching programs to help women start and grow small businesses.

The Story Exchange wanted to know what drives this powerful business woman, who is personally responsible for helping countless women entrepreneurs start their own businesses and grow their careers. This is what she told us about her role model and her inspirations.

TJ: There isn’t one person who I’d call my sole role model. I’m inspired every day by the women I’m fortunate to work with. From my work at Good Morning America, Diane Sawyer always said she’d champion my interest in helping our viewers with their career challenges. Wow oh wow – it’s mighty energizing to have Diane pushing me to do my best. I’m inspired by the compassion that Robin Roberts always shows for the people she meets — both in person and virtually. Her heart of gold inspires me to keep my cool and keep my perspective even when I’m tempted to get frustrated and perhaps temperamental.

I’m inspired by the women who are holding down two jobs while caring for kids and aging parents — they remind us that giving up or giving in is never an option, no matter the challenges. Whenever I think I have it rough, I can open my Inbox and read the emails from viewers or attendees at my events to understand what real challenge and genuine sacrifice is all about. Instead of moaning about my bad day, their stories combined with my desire to help, cause me to snap out of any funk and get back to hustling to help others realize their professional dreams.

Inspiration is all around us if we choose to look for it — and then embrace it.

We want to know: Who is your role model?