The Story Exchange, Lisa Morris, Road ConciergeYour Name: Lisa Morris

Business Name: Road Concierge, a customized group travel and concierge service

Type of Business: Travel

Business Location: New York, NY, United States

Twitter   @roadconcierge

Reason for starting
After 14 years of touring as an actress with Broadway shows and literally living on “the Road” I realized that there was a better way to handle the travel for productions- from the perspective of someone who was actually the client. I combined my industry knowledge and expertise of both entertainment/production and travel and came up with a service that catered to their travel needs. I am happy to report it was a huge success

How do you define success?
In business, I define success as being profitable and able to employ and inspire others. In life, I define success as being healthy, happy, and able to feel that I have made a difference in the world and an impact on others.

Biggest Success
Growing my company so fast in 5 years that I was able to sell my business, as well as being able to raise substantial amounts of money for charities I believe in like St. Jude Children’s hospital and the Actors Fund.

What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it?
Work/Life balance. When you build and run a business it is always difficult to find enough time for yourself outside of work. I have difficulty relaxing and disconnecting from work and I have trouble taking care of myself while I am so busy taking care of others. I am working with a business coach to address this and trying new ways of delegating tasks to my staff to help me feel like I am able to have other priorities in my life beyond work.

Who is your most important role model?
Maya Angelou.