To our listeners: The migrant crisis is once again in the news with Vice President Kamala Harris’s first foreign trip in office to Guatemala and Mexico. We originally released this podcast in March 2019 but we’ll share it again today. Kate Curran’s School the World provides much-needed schoolhouses for children in Central America.
Podcast description: We hear plenty of talk about “build the wall.” We hear much less about why caravans of migrants are leaving Central America to come to the United States. In this podcast, we talk to Kate Curran of School the World, a Boston-based social entrepreneur who is going to the heart of the crisis and trying to make life better for families in Guatemala and Honduras. Her organization builds schoolhouses in Central American villages where illiteracy rates are high and poverty is rampant. If you want to be inspired about how one person can make a difference, give this podcast a listen.
Read our article on Curran, below.