Your Name: Tenille Dixon
Business Name: Girl Friday Services, Inc., professional cleaning and concierge services
Type of Business: Cleaning and concierge
Business Location: Saraosta, Florida, United States
Reason for starting
I initially started my business as a means to make money while going back to school for a second degree, but my love to help others and the ability to watch something grow that I was directly responsible for became my focus. I started my business to help others and to help make an easier life for other people, families, etc. My passion is fullfilled.
Biggest Success
Increasing my business gross income 110% in my second full year of business.
What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it?
Employees are my biggest challenge. How to find them, screen, train and have a system in place for them and myself to move forward. Without quality employees I can not increase my bottom line and have more cash flow. I have created an employee handbook and written expectations.
Who is your most important role model?
I have many role models, but as a woman I have always valued the story of Mary Kay Ash and how she started her business in a time when women were not promoted to do so. She started with little money, a lot of determination and a willingness to survive!