This story is part of our 1,000 stories campaign. What’s your story?

Name:  Alexandra Mayzler

Business: Thinking Caps Group, a provider of tutoring services for kids

Industry:  Children’s Goods & Services

Location: New York, New York, U.S.

Reason for starting: I was working one-on-one with several students and wanted the opportunity to help more students. I knew that I could personally only work with a handful of kids so I thought about ways to expand my reach. I was also graduating from college and knew that I needed a job!

Related: Read about another female entrepreneur working with kids here. 

How do you define success? Success for me has multiple layers: the first is seeing how we help students. There’s nothing more rewarding than seeing kids we work with gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence for academic success. The other layers are in learning how to run a stable business. I never dreamed that Thinking Caps would be where we are now, but now I am dreaming bigger. Part of the bigger dream is learning how scale the business while maintaining the high level of personal attention to our families.

Biggest Success: Every day, every week, every year is a learning experience and the ultimate success is to learn and progress while staying true to my original mission of helping students.

Related: Read about Intellitots here. 

What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it? My most significant challenge has always been in figuring out various aspects of scaling and how to not do everything myself. As the founder of the business, it is scary to give away control, but I understand how valuable other people’s input is and have worked over the years to bring in talent that will help TC’s continued growth.

Who is your most important role model? I don’t have a single role model. I am inspired by teachers, business people, and those close to me. At the end of the day, the best role models are our students who strive mightily to succeed and thrive.

Twitter   @ThinkingCapsGrp

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Read about another entrepreneur here!

Edited by The Story Exchange