Francine Hwang has spent her entire career in the healthcare industry. In 2020, she was working in elder care for an in-home care agency when Covid hit, and was profoundly moved by the lengths caregivers went to in the stressful, uncertain early months of the pandemic. However, Hwang also saw how burnout was causing widespread attrition and extreme staffing shortages – problems that continue to plague the healthcare industry today. She knew she wanted to dedicate her life making sure that the elderly – and anyone in need of care – would always be able to receive the support they needed and deserved. So, in 2022, she founded FrannyCares, a job marketplace for healthcare professionals that uses AI technology to match candidates with ideal employers.
Here’s our lightly edited Q&A, from The Story Exchange 1,000+ Stories Project.
How is your business different from others in your industry?
Our AI-backed matching system. Currently, we are pairing caregivers to jobs in assisted living communities, skilled nursing facilities and in-home care agencies. We know what our caregivers are looking for in terms of opportunities, and even offer them pathways to become a nurse or certified nursing assistant. We are working with the next generation of direct care professionals – and there are over 500,000 healthcare employers who need them.
Tell us about your biggest success so far.
My first paying customer. And, the day we reached 400 caregivers on our platform – all with very little spent on marketing.
What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it?
As a founder, I am willing to delegate certain tasks, such as product building and social media/PR. However, I am not willing to outsource sales right now. I want to speak to employers myself, and express that I understand their struggles in finding quality candidates in our field. However, that takes up a big chunk of my time.
Have you experienced any significant personal situations that have affected your business decisions?
Not having my brother around to bounce ideas off of. I miss him – and his brain! – every day. And, I have been in elder care for quite some time, but my mother-in-law’s stroke last year truly collapsed my world. Even though I knew, logically and logistically, how to handle the situation, the emotional and physical toll it took on me was surprising. I have to admit, it is hard to think clearly as a business owner when you’re exhausted. Family caregiving typically falls on the already-tired shoulders of women – and I wanted to be there for my mother-in-law. But was also happy that I understood the professional caregiving world well enough to call in reinforcements.
What is your biggest tip for other startup entrepreneurs?
Surround yourself with people who understand the startup ecosystem. No one is an island, and you can’t be a specialist in everything. Rely on people who are smarter than you, and who have experience in the startup world, to provide good counsel.
How do you find inspiration on your darkest days?
Whether it’s a crisis of confidence, or nothing seems to be working, or I’m just tired – I clean my office. I file paperwork, I wipe my screens, I vacuum. I love doing it, and I don’t do it nearly enough, so it’s a win-win.
What is your go-to song to get motivated on tough days?
“Starman” by David Bowie, “The Man” by Taylor Swift, or “Overturn” by Alexandra Streliski.
Who is your most important role model?
My brother and my mother. My mom is the fiercest negotiator I know, and my brother knew no fear. ◼
Instagram: @FrannyCares
Facebook: @FrannyCaresofficial
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