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Name: Lovern Gordon

Business: Love Life Now Foundation, Inc.

Location: Avon, Massachusetts, U.S.

Industry: Healthcare, Wellness & Fitness

Reason for starting? As a child witness to domestic violence and subsequently falling into an abusive relationship myself years later, domestic violence awareness was a no brainer choice when faced with choosing a platform for recent beauty pageant title wins. After the year was up with the titles, I had created a few initiatives and raised awareness, I realized that I wanted to continue with the work I had started in and decided to form Love Life Now Foundation, Inc. The organization to date continues with and has improved upon the initiatives mentioned prior to maintain year round awareness on the issue of domestic violence, while also making folks aware of resources available and ways they can be part of the solution in helping to end this epidemic.

How do you define success? Success is being able to inspire someone with my personal experience in dealing with abuse…enough to see what my mother and I went through and know that there is something better waiting for them around the corner is one measure of success to me. Encouraging others to find and pursue their passion is also another.

Biggest Success: Sharing my story about domestic violence has continuously been the biggest success in my eyes. It involves an issue that so many still look upon as shameful or taboo. By being able to give folks an outlet, either through me personally, via our online magazine, or just to seek help via my sharing has been amazing!

What is your top challenge and how you have addressed it? I’ve learned not to take no as no, but have it serve as a reminder that better is out there and that perhaps whatever it was I was rejected from was not the right fit for me at the time.

Who is your most important role model? My Mother is my most important role model. To survive the extent of abuse she endured and through it all, be able to hold her head up high with grace and humility has always served as a continuous life lesson to me.

Twitter   @lovelifenowfoun
Instagram   @lovelifenowfound[/box_light]

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Edited by The Story Exchange